CyberSyd is delighted to announce that we are now #unitedagainstbullying as a Core Member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance!
The Anti-Bullying Alliance now covers Northern Ireland, which brings with it many benefits for those working to tackle bullying, particularly NI schools, such as:
The latest news and research
Training and events
Priority access to Anti-Bullying Week news and discounts for merchandise and paid-for training
Networking opportunities
Directory listing
If you’re an organisation or individual working with children, then you too can apply for membership. Go to https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk for more information.
We’re passionate about making the world a brighter place for our young people by making sure that bullying is reported, challenged, and ultimately reduced. We’re committed to working in partnership with organisations such as the Anti-Bullying Alliance to achieve this and would love to hear from other groups or individuals who want to get involved with us.
Email us at info@cybersyd.net or go to www.cybersyd.net to find out more.

Bullying: You Report It, Syd Stops It.