CyberSyd is proud to be supporting Anti-Bullying Week 2021, in partnership with the NI Anti-Bullying Forum, with the theme of "One Kind Word".

We're offering one lucky school a free CyberSyd Annual Subscription. To enter, just tell us what you're doing for Anti-Bullying Week this year. You can share your plans on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram posts or tag us on yours at: Instagram: @cyber_syd - @niabf_ Facebook: CyberSyd - NorthernIrelandAntiBullyingForum Twitter: @CyberSydApp - @niabf Don't forget the hashtags #ABW2021 #ChatWithSyd

For those of you looking for ideas on what to do for Anti-Bullying Week, we hope that you get some inspiration from these posts. If the lucky winner has already subscribed to CyberSyd this year, then you won't miss out, as we'll credit your account with a free subscription next year! The winner will be drawn at random during Anti-Bullying Week. Good luck, and thanks for sharing!
Yours, The CyberSyd Team